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Special Dress
Please allow 7-10 business days for delivery
Lily Lee Fashion does not do refunds but allows exchanges within 14 days from purchase. Goods that are used or damaged by the customer may not be exchanged. All shipping and handling for exchanges will be paid by the customer both ways. Payment for shipping and handling may be made by either money order or credit card, no checks will be accepted. Customers may call and check for availability such as sizes, colors, and styles, but exchanges are subject to availability. Customer may return items for exchange to the return address on the “About Us” page of the website. All exchanges will be shipped out within 14 days from return and in the order it was received. This means that all items must be sent back in the same packaging it was received. Special Order/ Custom-tailored Items will not be eligible for any returns or exchanges, as measurements are provided for the customer. Lily Lee Fashion will not refund any shipping charges due to delay by the carrier company and we also do not take responsibility for any delay, damage, or misplacement by the carrier company.